Ethnology and bibliography

I pray to you

Yeah end here. Sorry this is short and sucky! We’ll have another thread in a while.

Cercelee smiled as the Adonis thanked her, though it was unneeded. They didn’t need words to communicate their true emotions, not like strangers tend to need words, and more and more as they began to understand one another, and Haku too, less words were needed to reveal the others’ true thoughts. Despite what tensions and discord ran through the leadership, at least they could communicate. At least there was loyalty; that could not be denied. Even from Haku and to Haku, there was loyalty. Their personal relationship had blossomed after the professional one, but in no way derived from their friendship. If anything, it only made it easier, for each knew that for the other Dahlia de Mai and duties and ranks was often the priority. They could both understand that about the other.

Quickly Cercelee embraced the women, and then it was gone: a fleeting encounter where Cercelee showered affection on those not of her household. It had been rare but was becoming more common, perhaps having the pups around had opened her up and yet it still felt strange. Good but strange to have physical contact with another. As if when the warmth of one body touched the warmth of another they could transfer other types of energy between the two entities. Yet so quickly the moment was over and Cer smiled again. I should be getting back. It was good seeing you. And so proper she dipped her head to the Adonis and turned to go, leaving Cwmfen again to her solitude.

Though I don't know who you are

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