i want to see the look in her eyes
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... _table.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
hi i'm rust and i suck at replying in reasonable amount of times, even to those people who make sexy sexy avs! 338 words

Sofia's first instinct was panic, she had to flee. But fight or flight had triggered too late; she had delayed letting her fear run free too long. He had been approaching in her direction, yes, but she had had time between seeing the dark form and being thrust into conversation. She could have ran. Could have slipped into a dark alley and shifted, bolting away into the distance before he could follow her scent, if he even found it worth his time to do so. If he even had any ill-intentions in the first place..

She was being paranoid! He hadn't done anything. Sure, he was dressed a little creepy, a little bit like someone up to no good. And his words, while from a voice that she wasn't sure he could trust, were pleasant enough, proper enough. He had even called her a lady. That was very formal, very polite. A little bow, too. Despite his comment about being alone, she still couldn't almost help but feel she'd rather be alone than in his company. But she was just being dumb, too easily spooked for no good reason at all. He didn't deserved that - he was just trying to be nice. On closer inspection, he was a coyote, and she felt even more disgusted at her reaction. She must have caught a hint of his scent, must have let old prejudice rear its ugly head without even realizing it. No, she wasn't that type of wolf! She was open minded. She was part coyote herself.

Forcing a smile on her own face, forcing her tense muscles to relax, she replied as pleasantly as she could: "Good evening to you, too, Sir. No, it's not a very good night to be alone.. But I don't really have any sort of real companions in these parts." Without realizing it, she made herself more vulnerable: not only had she no pack scent clinging to her, but she really didn't have anyone in particular that would miss her should she disappear.

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