i want to see the look in her eyes
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... tter_2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

He could feel the unadulterated rage the emanated from the psychopath at having his actions interrupted. Onus certainly remembered this coyote, but it seemed that the coyote could not remember him for some reason or another. It was interesting, considering the masked and cloaked vigilante wasn't exactly a common sight. It made no matter though. They had fought once and he would fight him again. Eyes traced over the "X" on the scum's chest. Perhaps he would need to mark the criminal more thoroughly this time, if not rid him of this world completely. He sensed the girl run and that was all well and good. Now he wouldn't have to worry about making sure she didn't get hurt in the fight. It didn't matter that he didn't receive her thanks. He wasn't doing this for gratitude, he was doing this because it was right.

Fluidly Onus stepped out of the way of the frenzied charge but he left one leg outstretched in hopes of tripping the male up. One arm was held at the ready in case that tactic worked; if it did he would attempt to grab the other's arm and pin it behind him. Perhaps then he could push him face-first against the same wall that he had used to trap the girl. Wouldn't that be ironic.


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