Music Feeds My Soul
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Sorry about the wait!!

        The fact that Jazz had never had a brother or a sister brought a concerned frown to the little girl’s brow. "Nevers?" she repeated as if brothers and sisters came and went as they pleased (although her own brother and sister never worked that way). She supposed that, in this sense, she was a lucky girl. What would happen if she had not had Cambi or Got’am? There was a slight pause as the yellow-eyed male wolf continued his explanation. The blue and green eyes concentrated upon him for a great length as she listened, but she could not register the words that implied that he had once not been within the ranks of a pack. Instead, the words describing his lack of siblings continuously and incessantly rattled in her mind. What a troubling thought indeed! But then the girl came up with a wonderful idea! Instantly, her mood brightened and a smile lit up her face. Her tail wagged slowly behind her as if she were about to present a new and irrational idea that may not be accepted. And, in the girl’s mind, that was exactly what she was about to present. "I wills bes you’s sister.... And then I wills protects you and gives yous attentions!" A warm smile curled her little maw.

        The room was strange, and the things inside were strange and wondrous. "Wows," she exclaimed, reconsidering each of the instruments. She wondered what sound each of them made. They couldn’t possibly create the same sound as the bi-lin, because they all were different and looked different from the bi-lin—and from the pi-no too. But they sat silently and the wall, and she had soon been distracted by the sparkly things. Amata giggled as the big male wolf placed a shiny hat on her head. Her tail waved happily as she carefully sat down and carefully stood still—she didn’t want it to fall off! "What iss this called, Jazz?" she asked, referring to the hat. "Maybes I’s should goes to the cities too," she speculated. Everything sounded so pretty, just like all the sparkly jewels in the box.

        The bi-coloured eyes gazed back up at the hat that sat on her head. "Iss so pretties!" She beamed up at him, feeling every inch the princess. But as she smiled, her body shifted and the hat fell off. Before it had even hit the floor, Amata went running, afraid of the loud sound that it might make, and afraid that she might break something. Bumping into Jazz’s leg, she scrambled up into his lap, pressing herself against him, her ears flat against her head as she smiled a silly smile. "Oopsies."She hoped that it was okay.

        Even more puzzling than the black wolf’s lack of siblings was his explanation of money. Her head tilted. Humans were so strange—just like with the yewling! "Theys traded these shiny things for foods? Why didn’s theys juss catches there foods like us?" It was all so strange—humans must have eaten strange things. The blue and green eyes considered the sparkly things in the box. "Why didn’ theys juss shares?" Sharing was good, and everyone should share.


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