She'll shake it all about!

Omg, I totally thought I'd typed a reply to this.
Word Count: 209. Worth 0 points.

With a final whirl, Hanna wound down to a stop, staring bewildered over her shoulder. Just like that, Noir was finished. Hanna chalked it up to her youthfulness and nothing more than that but it confused her all the same. She followed Noir from the crops, seeing afterward the damage done to the soil. It didn't appear to her eyes that the plants themselves had been harmed, but then, she was inexperienced with the practice of growing crops and therefore with how they looked as they grew and developed.

The girl spoke again, saying it had worked and Hanna glanced up and around with a skeptical eye, seeing no discernible change in the skies or in how the light shone, but she figured it would not do to say otherwise. She nodded as Noir began to circle again, bounding about like a grasshopper. Hanna merely watched this time, clapping her hands and stomping one foot on the slightly less than muddy ground they'd moved to, making rhythm for Noir to dance by. If the girl insisted, she would jump in again, but for now she was content to let the more energetic girl have the spotlight. Perhaps the further dancing really would draw the sun from its hiding place.


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