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For the longest time, Twilight had never really considered children as an option. She hadn't really considered a long term partner or mate an option, either. She was an independent fighter, trained from birth to be wary of all and to never fully trust anybody. Apache, though, had proven to be exactly what she needed--somebody balanced, somebody calm, somebody understanding. What had started as a mere fling had developed into something much more--and the children that resulted had certainly turned out alright. At the end of it all, some good friends (like Skoll) and a good partner were all that she had ever really wanted. Matrix was happy for her parents, and she assumed that their latest spawn would be well-behaved and disciplined enough to be tolerable (as it was, most children could become a little "too much" for her).
"I'm not entirely sure what will happen for me. I don't really mind it here," she mused. "Plus, I certainly won't be able to take my greenhouse with me... that ought to be reason enough to stick around," she added with a grin. She didn't have many friends yet, but she supposed that she'd develop more complex relationships over time. She had a hunch that those kinds of things worked better when they weren't rushed, anyway. "What makes you want to stay here?" she asked, suddenly unaware of what his reasons could be. It didn't seem like he had had the best of luck when it came to finding good company.. he had already warned her about his issues with Inferni.
The news was a mixed bag for her--she had never been horribly close to any of the wolves mentioned, but she was happy for their victories and saddened by their great loss. Even if she didn't know them personally, she assumed they had their heads in the right places. They certainly did more than those fucked up cultists. The whole experience was enough to turn her away from religion permanently--it didn't make sense, and what they did was hypocritical and demented. She wanted no part of it. If she ever learned of Thavardo's cult in Bleeding Souls, she'd only have her beliefs confirmed.
"I'm sorry to hear all of that," she finally muttered, really unsure of how to react or what to say. "At least those whack jobs are gone, right? It's just a shame they had to take so many down with their idiocy." If nothing else, they had that. They had won--although the cost had been great. Hearing these tales made her appreciate how lucky her family was to get out of the entire mess alive... although she supposed that her mother would always be able to take care of herself, and she would certainly defend her family ferociously. This again got her thinking about Skoll and his motives--he had no family that she knew of, only a very developed sense of right and wrong, and the skill and bravery to stand up for it. Was that all that he needed to be happy? She supposed it was better than her situation--material things, like greenhouses, could so easily be taken away. Pride, honour, and spirit, however, could not.

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