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Maybe we can wrap it up here, and start our next one soon?

Skoll nodded and released his hold on the dolley. Moving forward, he went about fiddling with the harness until he got it fastened. It was awkward work for a few moments, and he fumbled a few times, but ultimately succeeded, before straightening up. Walking a little ahead, they got going again through the cleared path. Their traveling was quiet for a while.

It's strange, he thought idly, clearing various debris from her path that might give the contraption's wheels trouble. Matrix left her family just like I did. Was Twilight the same way? Did she become a warrior the same way I did? A dispossessed wolf from a pack that didn't want or couldn't keep her. I will need to ask her at some point. Or maybe Matrix... It would be harder for the young girl to pull the massive thing than it had been for him, but her form was better suited to it, he suspected. If she tired faster than he did, then they could switch out early. Still, he didn't want to distract her through her work.

Looking up into the sky, he noted that the sun was beginning to fall. He would wait to ask her, perhaps when they rested, or perhaps even for another day if the question didn't stick in mind enough for him to remember. After so much aimless wandering, he was glad to have something to do, to be useful. There wasn't much in the way of war in Bleeding Souls, thank Fenrir, so it was good that a strong back was enough to give him purpose in the here and now.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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