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Feel free to powerplay them getting there and finding it, or something. :x

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If there was one thing that she was good for, it was her intuitive sense of physics. Really, this was what enabled the young hybrid to excel in nearly everything--she understood the physical properties of the glass she blew, she knew to strike wood at the proper angle for a better split, she knew how to maintain balance by focusing on her centre of gravity in combat, and she similarly understood exactly what would make somebody else lose their footing. In this case, it was second-nature for her to find ways to make the transport more efficient. She couldn't even imagine somebody else trying to shove the thing along or carry it--although if she thought back enough, she could probably remember seeing similar "feats" in the past. Pah.
For now, she was happy to set off in good company. Although she didn't know Skoll terribly well, he was the closest to a true friend that she had here. A familiar face could be quite invaluable, apparently. He was the only one that would be able to relate to her about the war--and she was confident he'd be willing to talk about it, if she ever needed to. It also occurred to her that she most certainly should be talking about it with someone, but a mixture of forced apathy, stubborn independence, and a sort of hesitance to discuss deeply personal thoughts kept her from doing so. Still, it was not always healthy to dwell upon the aftermath of things as outrageous as wars alone. It was far too easy for her to become lost in her own mind. Little was shown on the outside, of course, but inside--she thought about how fucked up things were almost constantly. It could become exhausting.
"I appreciate it," she said, her tone warm and genuine. "Between the two of us," she offered, "it ought to go even faster." The only part of this she absolutely could not do by herself was lift it onto the dolly. After that, she would be able to wheel it around by herself and shove it off the dolly and into place if she really had to. She wasn't about to ask him directly to dedicate so much time to her project, but if he was volunteering, she was thankful to accept. This way, one could pull while the other scouted ahead for obstacles and took a break. Besides, if he was anything like her... he would enjoy the workout, anyway.

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