Knowing the Lands
Sorry, it's been a rough few days. :/

    Though Kae hadn't intended to make the younger coyote anxious, she did not regret it. It was better Kaena gave her a dire warning that would instill some small amount of fear rather than for Merilin to stumble on some sour, rotten wolf who tried to hurt Meri just for her coyote blood. The woman shrugged indifferently. "I don't know. Most coyotes are smaller than wolves, but we eat the same kinds of food, so we're competition to them," the coyote said. It wasn't as if she was perfectly nice to wolves at all times herself. She shrugged again at the coyote's question. "I'm sure there are mean coyotes and nice wolves."

    The woman nodded. Inferni the first had been founded in the latest part of 2002, and it was now 2009. They were almost seven, then—they would reach their seventh birthday on October 24 of this year. The woman was glad she would be here for this birthday; she had missed the last two, departing just before their fifth year. "Me too. He could have left the clan to shatter, or started over again, but he kept the name I chose for us," she said, that same prideful tone evident. "I don't know. I left the fall before the fire," the woman admitted. "I've only been back for two months," she said with a grin. It was August now, and she had come back early in June.

    Smiling over at Meri, the grizzled coyote nodded. She was certain the woman would meet some of her family; they were everywhere now, it seemed. She wondered briefly if perhaps her genes had seeped into the wolf population, unbeknownst to her. It was surely a possibility; there were far fewer coyotes in the land than there were hybrids and purebred wolves. The chances that her children had inadvertently or purposefully bred with a wolf were far higher than anything else, and the woman wondered how many of her progeny slaved beneath an alpha's will. "It's good to have friends, right? You might get along with my grandchildren. Jael and Halo. They're just a bit older than you." She grinned, wondering if that was absolutely true. Both of her grandchildren from Vitium and Colibri Soul were withdrawn and reserved, while Meri was bubbly and exuberant. Even so, Kaena liked Merilin a lot, finding her youth and mirth a welcome change from the general apathetic neutrality of Inferni. Surely, there was love and comfort here, but there were few coyotes able to put their pasts behind them and look forward as this youth did.

    The russet canine peered down into the ravine, seeming to enjoy the sights greatly. The Lykoi woman laughed softly, her tail wagging for a moment in a very content manner. "Maybe someone else would explore it with you. I'm not very fond of heights," the coyote said. It was a half-truth; she wasn't terribly bothered by them, but she didn't want to reiterate the notion that she was older and would more easily suffer a broken bone. "Let's go to the forest next," the woman said, though she didn't move yet. The silvery canine didn't want to rush the younger coyote if she wasn't done exploring around here, though with the underground portion of the canyon off-limits for the moment, there wasn't much to see.


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