When you thought you'd seen it all..
She was cautious, just as he might expect anyone to be of a stranger, but even still it left a sickly feeling in the pit of his stomach. Haephastus knew all to well that life was not roses and sunshine, that there existed no place in the world that hadn't seen some kind of horror or sorrow, no matter how much he might have wished such a place existed. Had there been an altercation recently? Something that made her wary of simple passersby or, in his case, those who sought a to start a new life? It was paranoia, perhaps, that left him wondering if he could be as blind as to not see some hidden war that might be happening. He had to force himself to be aware that it was simply paranoia. Not everything could be as bad as he was expecting.

"Geneva." He tested the name quietly, courteous with his words and careful of how he spoke. At her next words and the motion of her hand, which he barely caught out of the corner of his eye, the hybrid gave a faint nod of his head, quietly moving his feet beneath him to follow. He stayed somewhat behind her but still close enough that she might be able to see him, not wishing to make her uneasy by being directly out of sight. As they traveled the hybrid man took his time to examine the area, the shroud of trees that seemed to make up a simple forest, only to be surprised at the sight of their destination. An actual structure, an old human building until one that he had ever seen. They were not as primitive as he had thought.

Patient and polite, as always, Haephastus waited for her to either enter or to make some indication that he should enter, which came quickly as she opened the door. "Thank you." His voice was quiet, appreciative of the fact that she would remove a complete stranger from harsh weather, to invite him in from the cold into her very own sanctuary. The last remnants of the fire was warm on his skin, even as far away from it as he seemed to be and as minuscule as the glow was. He basked in the feeling, soaking it up as he approached the chair to seat himself, moving awkwardly to keep the scars on his back hidden from her eyes. A remnant of the past that he wanted to forget that would never go away.

Finally seated, his failing eyes moved to watch her a moment before turning again, lingering on the glowing bits of wood that still lay in the fireplace. "I seek peace." He told her honestly, frowning at himself. "A place that might live out the rest of my life, where my skills, though few, might be of some aid." A place that my past may not find and haunt me. "My loyalty knows no bounds." He tried to assure her, though his tired body and mind made him sound almost flat. "I just haven't found a place to give my loyalty to yet." For there was nothing left of his old home to give loyalty. Not a soul had survived, so far as he knew.


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