When you thought you'd seen it all..
Her words comforted the quiet man, a gleam of hope for peace that he had never known in his life. She continued on though, and Haephastus listened quietly, hands folded into his lap, hiding away the hand that only bore two fingers. Of course there was tension, there always seemed to be, but this had been spawned due to love. It was something that the tired man's mind simply couldn't grasp. How could the love between two individuals spawn aggression? What sort of horrors had they committed in the name of their love, if any at all? He had heard such a story only once in his life before, from a book that his mother had read to him and his brother in their youth. It had not been the fault of the lovers but, rather, the blindness of their two families. In the end, no one won.

"Thank you, Miss Geneva." He told her quietly, nodding his head with respect as she moved to take her leave. While out of the room Haephastus took the few private moments that he had to better prepare himself. He scooted himself up in the chair, sitting in a more proper fashion, and used the bandaged, two-fingered hand to smooth down his damp fur. Then, dropping his hands back to his lap, he waited.


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