Workers' song
Big Grin!


A few weeks ago, Hemming would have said that he was used to the rain. The very endurance of it, though, was starting to make it seem strange and unfamiliar. By noon he felt wet to the bone, and his fur was just barely dried out by the time he woke in the morning. A little shelter was usually welcome, and the forests that littered Serena Reserve offered a meagre amount of protection from the torrential rain. It was, at least, more than the tall grasses allowed. The wolf stepped in rather happily, a smile across his lips despite the weather, and started to wind himself through the trees. Every little patch of trees out here was different, and he still hadn't explored each one. There were so many and with Hemming's poor sense of direction it was likely that it would take him years. That was alright, though, as it was just a little bit nice to leave some mystery in the world for a later date.

The rain obscured the view within the trees, and his gaze barely penetrated a few feet in front of him. Sound seemed amplified there in the woods, though, and he very clearly heard a discouraged groan. Not liking that anyone should ever have that kind of feeling, and intending to share some of his cheer, Hemming headed in the direction it had come from.

It wasn't long before he found himself in front of a cabin, and he stood and stared for a moment. He recalled the cabin that Warren was living in, and remembered the storm clouds they had met beneath, deep in the forest. Most of the things around this little dwelling seemed old and unused, but there was a wheelbarrow that appeared to have just arrived. Feeling confident that this was where the disheartened noise had come from, Hemming moved toward the door.

Once inside, he looked around cautiously. It was dim and a little hard to see, but overall the cabin seemed as if had either been used heavily or just neglected and let to get old and decrepit. It wasn't quite to the point of falling apart, though, and in fact the gray wolf found it rather quaint. Letting his hand linger on the wall beside the door, he called out quietly, "Hello?"

kat made this! Big Grin

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