Walls for colder seasons

Word Count: 314 - two times in a row the exact number of words. I'm doing this on purpose, obviously ;D

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

Again Hemming proved to state what should perhaps have been obvious, and while the male was still in the middle of speaking, Dawali's eyes lit up with excitement. Of course! Oh, why hadn't he seen that, it was so perfectly logical. While Hemming was still speaking, Dawali raised a finger in the air as if to say "eureka!" and moved towards the work horse, Belle, standing not too far away from the two. Quickly, he pulled a large coil of rope from behind her saddle and tossed the end of it to his friend. Smiling, he threw the rest of the coil towards the building in progress, and spoke excitedly with his back turned, fetching his tools from the horse's satchels.

"That makes perfect sense. I've been over that problem so many times and you solved it in less than a minute. I can't tell you how happy I am at the prospect of actually finishing this thing!"

Hammer and some large nails in hand (although some were large enough to be chisels) he turned again, smiling, eager to continue. "We can fasten the rope with this, and I think it's long enough to go all the way from the bottom and over." Not waiting for a response, taking it for granted that his friend, too, was eager to get started, Dawali moved over to one of the large trunks and started measuring the other coil of rope he'd brought. Yes, it was long enough to be fastened in the ground, then stretched to the top, tied around a spike there and handled on the other side! Suddenly halting, he squinted against the sun in the sky again, and considered the building site.

"Wait.. I suppose we have some holes to dig first..." And that wasn't really the fun part of this project, and his face did not even attempt to mask that disappointment.


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