Walls for colder seasons
Yes! People do say that in English, but it's not all that common in an everyday context (at least where I'm from). It's interesting that you have an equivalent idiom, though, I wonder how universal it is!
Also, that Dawali kiritar is totally awesome >D

Hemming's arms grew tired as they worked, but his excitement was enough to keep him from slowing down. The anticipation of putting their plan into action somehow masked the throbbing of his scrawny arms, which really hadn't been up to much lately, and the general upper body tiredness that he felt. If he was going to be doing this often he would have to find a way to maintain some strength, he thought, and as he swung at the earth rhythmically the wolf pondered the value of swimming. It was something he wasn't able to do, shamefully, but it would be exercise that he needed. The sea was a wonderful place, and to be able to go out just a little bit further would be a valuable skill.

As he entertained that thought he worked like a robot, continually swinging at the same pace and thinking little of what he did. His arms were allowed to feel the burn when he stopped their movement, leaning the pick axe against his leg and reaching his hands out forward to stretch them. Hemming's eyes followed Dawali as he measured the tree trunks and the width of their hole, and grinned when the widths were quite similar. Turning his smiling face to Dawali, he nodded and replied, "Yeah, just a little deeper."

The silvery wolf rubbed his hands together with glee before grabbing the end of the pickaxe's handle from where it was leaning on his leg. He continued to smile as he scraped the bottom of the hole, pulling up dirt with a fervour. Hemming wouldn't have been able to wait to dig all the holes, either, and though he would acknowledge his impatience he stressed it to himself that it was really his desire to ensure the plan would work that was preventing him from digging more holes first.

james made this

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