we're doomed from the start.
oh hellz yea! that would definitely be awesome. :] (683)

        Thick, dark beak tore through the rabbit’s pale fur just as effectively as the wolf’s fangs and he watched transfixed as strips were torn effortlessly away from bone. The bird was hungry, that much was obvious, and in some strange way he was almost satisfied to see his wasted catch went to use rather than rotted away, uneaten. He himself couldn’t stomach the flesh, and his thin, rangy form was evidence of that. He was growing taller and thinner each day—bones barely concealed beneath his thick, snowy pelt. But blood alone could not sustain a hardy predator such as himself, and it showed. A voice spoke out and the raven was suddenly airborne, already halfway through the air back toward the safety of its tree-borne perch so high above. It’d abandon the meat in it’s fright and Jael turned toward the source, one ear laid back in annoyance as his brief amusement was so rudely interrupted. A wolfish looking creature rose from it’s resting place nearby, languidly stretching before leaping from its rocky seat. He smelled distinctly of Inferni and quickly Jael wracked his brain to try and remember who the hell this could possibly be, but nothing surfaced. “No,” he replied, shaking his head.

        He stretched slightly, turning his fiery eyes skyward to search for the raven, and at first he didn’t see the bird and assumed it’d flown away. But then he saw it, sitting still as a stone high above in another tree, waiting for the wolves to leave so it continue its proffered feast. “Probably,” he concurred, still watching the dark bird and wondering what it’d be like to have a companion such as that—not a wolf prisoner to remain earthbound eternally, able to fly through the skies as free as anything. He’d probably envy the beast, longing to take flight as well, and yet unable. “Me either,” he responded again, barely there as his thoughts drifted. He knew of low speech, yet he’d never mastered it, never having been provided with the opportunity to learn such. Yet he wondered if he’d even want to—imagine hearing the scream of a rabbit as you snapped it’s neck, begging for it’s life before you sunk deadly fangs into it’s throat, ending its short life. He shuddered faintly, hoping he never learned how to properly converse with small animals like those he ate. The other introduced himself and memory clicked into place, shifting with some difficulty like a rusty gear long out of use. Anselm was Gabriel’s cousin—a perfectly reasonable excuse as to why they shared a surname. But he’d assumed the male no longer resided within Inferni. Gaze shifted, now properly regarding the stranger with some measure of honest interest.

        “You're Gabriel’s cousin, right?” he asked, ensuring he was correct in his assumption, thinking back on the conversation he’d had last with his uncle. This creature looked like a wolf, just as he did, and was a spy for Inferni, as Gabriel had instructed Jael he’d also be useful in doing as well. The pale youth smiled faintly, baring the the tips of his snowy fangs. “I’m Jael de le Poer,” he offered his own title as well, for the first time vocally attaching a surname to his given name. ‘De le Poer’ was his wolf grandfather’s family name, and Jael leaned further toward that side of his family than his mother’s, chased away from her legacy by those of her blood he’d encountered thus far and the simple fact he resided within Inferni. It only made sense he’d chosen that name rather than any of the others he could have aligned himself with. And Lykoi was meant for coyotes—not a wolf looking thing like himself, as far as he was concerned. “You’re a spy, right?” he asked, interest piqued. Jael’d be far from averse to picking up any tips on scouting around the wolf’s territories. He could then provide some useful talent for Inferni that he could excel in, looking as much like a wolf as he did, thus easily averting their suspicion and gaining relevant information in the process.


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