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The rain still continued in torrents, dark clouds only allowing the slightest bit of sunlight to pass them, despite it being in the middle of the day. Haephastus had only been there two days and began to wonder whether or not the place had ever seen a full day of sunshine. It was a silly notion, of course, but wandering about in the rain wasn't entirely his favorite thing to do. The streams, small as they were, overflowed with more water than they could handle and, he imagined, that the larger bodies of water were feeling the brunt of the weather as well. He hadn't managed to make his way to any of the small lakes or ponds that might have been strewn about his new home and he doubted that it would be a wise thing to seek out in such weather.

Despite the weather, Haephastus still needed to get out and learn the lay of the lands, the exact location of the borders and, for his own personal knowledge, the places where the other denizens of the pack resided. Passing in to the largest of the forested areas, Haephastus stopped under the largest three that he could spot, giving his multicolored fur a bit of a shake before deciding what to do next. His right arm, the good one, lifted to grasp the lowest branch of the tree, which was thick and sturdy despite the weather. His bandaged arm, the one bearing only two fingers, followed suit until finally he was hanging there. Pushing his feet against the trunk of the tree, he was able to find hold long enough to pull himself on to the branch.

Finding his footing, the foreign male took a moment to scout the area from his perch, finding nothing but rows upon rows of trees, not a single unique attribute. Frustrated by the lack of something that would stick out in his mind, Haephastus made his way carefully along the branch, not stopping until he found another, which he carefully made his way across to. He continued this patter for a time, until the moment the branches came close enough to another tree. Feeling the faint sway of the branch beneath him, he gave a small hop, grasping the stronger branch, which happened to belong to a separate tree, that jutted out above his head. Using the strength of his arms to carry him, he shuffled his way along the branch, much like a child on monkey bars, until he reached the other tree and was able to find solid footing. From there he scouted once more, dropping to a crouch for a better view.


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