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Lightning Bay.

The overcast sky seemed to hang dangerously low over the agitated sea. When the wind gave a particularly nasty gust, he squinted in the face of it, shielding his eyes from the impaling cold and debris. Snow occasionally leapt into the air, swirling about at his feet, in his face and all around him. However, he had no intention of heading back to Inferni yet. It was the first time he had ventured outside of the clan territory since his arrival, and for the moment, he was determined not to let a little gale and cloud spoil his afternoon of exploration and new adventure.

Looking back over his shoulder at his path leading to the bay, he noticed that the wind had drifted across his tracks and they barely resembled tracks. More like a lumpy sort of ridge. But Jesile shrugged this off, because he knew exactly how to get back, and he did not plan to venture much further. This was not like his blundering attempt to go off and fetch his father. This was a carefully planned expedition. He was not about to lose another home just because his navigational skills were mediocre at best.

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