who do you carry that torch for?

     Ryan immediately thought of DaVinci at the mention of Faolin running of with another man. Of course, DaVinci hadn’t done that to Ryan, but she had to wonder how she would take it if he had. Most likely a low growl would also emit from her throat. It was hard for her – she needed some sort of distraction. Even though she kept telling herself she was letting go of that steel colored boy from Phoenix Valley, she always found her thoughts coming back to him. A distraction would be nice. Or even a new somebody to devote her affection.

     "You know," she turned to face him, "I think she’ll be alright." There was no guarantee of course, but Ryan felt that the girl had a strong heart. Perhaps it was something she got from her father. "She’s a strong girl, even without the training. We’ll just have to hope." Maybe Gabriel’s god would watch over his daughter and keep her out of harm’s way.

     "I didn’t know that your mother help found Inferni. She seems to have a real passion for our well-being. And apparently age hasn’t affected her ability to be a strong member. Maybe even a leader…" Her guilt had crept back; the guilt that she hadn’t been doing enough by Gabriel’s side while their members clearly demonstrated their competence. Perhaps the Aquila had made a mistake by raising her so far in their hierarchy.


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