Such is life
Sorry for the wait :/

Urma showed him the hurt wing, but her words offered no him consolation. Why would that make it better? It just meant that he'd chased after something that had been injured. That almost made it worse, even! He'd been mean to something that was hurt, and it saddened him to great extent. Still, there was some relief: that meant that not all of what had happened was his fault, something else had contributed to this. The weight on his conscious remained, however. When the female proposed they find water he nodded in silence, eyes diverted. He had to help it when it was his fault that it was feeling bad, although he didn't quite understand why water would help it, because it was going to die anyway. His silvery eyes followed Urma's movements as she - strangely enough - covered the bird with a big leaf, not understanding that either. It wasn't as if it would help. But at least its head wasn't covered, so it could watch the sky as it died - that would probably be nicer than not seeing the sky at all. His mind was convinced of the bird's sealed future, which was none at all.

She said more things that weren't true, but she didn't lie. She just didn't understand - he'd learned the difference. When you thought something was true and said it, even if it wasn't true, it wasn't a lie. At least not like this. But even if she didn't understand, she was sort of right. He should help it, and maybe it could even feel a little bit better before it died. If it was thirsty, he would give it some water. It was only fair, after all. Finally he looked at the female, but his usually restless tail remained still. "There's a spring not that far that way." His voice was still not lifted to its usual pitch, but his face was not as dominated by sadness anymore. Turning his nose in a direction to the north, he pointed towards a small river that flew from Terra Lupin, an area woven with streams in spring- and summertime in his packlands. It always had really tasty water.


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