Such is life
Word Count: 364

Again she repeated and attempted to assure him it was not his fault. For all his flaws, there were a few things that were remarkably positive about him. One emerged in him that moment, and he accepted her explanation - perhaps naïvely. Throwing every other glance at the bird and the femme, the silvery eyes finally landed on the creature in her hands, smiling slightly. His tail started to wag only a little, and the young male whispered to it, afraid that Urma would just continue to push him on how he wasn't responsible for its injury. "Well I'm sorry anyway, little bird mister." Still, he smiled fully now, even if his tail only moved slowly compared to its usual whirlwind.

Sitting down now, Emwe didn't even have time to think about whether he was bored or not, before Urma spoke again. His ears perked as he recognized his pack name, and in an instant the thoughts about the little injured creature were pushed far back in his mind. She knew his friends! Well, knew their name, sort of. As in their pack's name. Not long ago the male had discovered that other things existed than the members of his pack - and with that realization he'd felt pretty stupid. After all, new members kept joining them, and they had to come from somewhere, right? And that somewhere was where his mother had gone, too, when she'd been angry with his father. Not that they did that ever, they were the best of friends. Their family was the best. His tail now wagged at full speed and his tongue lolled out of his mouth. Given that he was pretty dim for his age, the uncertainty in the female went completely unnoticed. "Yeah I am!" He paused for a moment. Crimson.. Dreams? He laughed a little, his voice deeper than one would expect it to be, given his behavior. "I've never heard of that place." His ears drooped a little as he admitted his lack of knowledge. He often felt sad when he didn't know things, and he didn't know a lot of things. Luckily, he could be made happy again in an instant.


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