the simplest things


“Well then…” The silver backed male reached down and grabbed up the girl’s hand once more, daring so much to draw it to his lips and kiss the fingers ever so gently. Looking down at the girl he smiled, beaming and bright. “We will have to spend more time together, yeah?” And although he meant the words as he said them, and he certainly sounded as if he did, he knew that keeping his word was far different from passing out promises. Yet she was happy, and at the moment he liked to make her happy. It was strange, for he had never cared to ensure the happiness of another and now he realized what a delight act it was. At least in the moment. When he returned to his empty, lonely cabin it would be rather easy to block these feelings out of his mind. “We’ll have a good day today, and many more after that, huh?” Lysander wrapped his arms about the girl then, and as he hugged her close, he could feel the tiniest bite of guilt deep in his gut. Yet he chased it away, today was one day, tomorrow a new one, and what he said one day and did another had no real correlation as far as he was concerned. They would just spend the day together and see what happened next.



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