New days, new faces

We could probably wrap this up soooon. Mason is too old for playful visit, sadly. D: Buuut we could plot another thread soon?! Big Grin 580.

The hybrid woman had been alive a long time and experienced quite a bit through the years, and she knew a friendly face when she saw one—there was nothing to fear from Dawali or AniWaya unless the coyotes sought trouble there. The silvery coyote did not know whether or not this meant that Gabriel would see things the same way, but the Centurion had high hopes that her son would heed her words. There was no reason to start trouble where it did not seek them, and Inferni certainly did not need any extra trouble. The tensions with Phoenix Valley had seemed to tide over, though the hybrid felt a certain unrest where Dahlia de Mai was concerned. She had fought Haku and he would seek her blood sooner or later—the coyote clan could not afford to make any extra enemies.

The coyote woman nodded her head and offered the other canine a grin at hs statement, figuring she was more likely to scare someone with her fearsome appearance. It was no lie or secret, and the hybrid would have it no other way. Sadly she did not know if she could offer the same sort of offer to him—Inferni tended to be extremely careful about who it allowed on the inside, and if Dawali or any of his kin encountered anyone other than Kaena they were liable to face a rather pissed off and territorial coyote. "You'd have to howl for yours truly if you stopped by Inferni, unfortunately," the coyote said almost apologetically, her coal ears folding halfway back against her skull. She didn't want the coppery-gray male to take offense to this, but it was for his own good that she told him this now rather than he found out the hard way.

Speaking of humans and cities intrigued the hybrid, and her coal ears perked up. She took a particular interest in human technology she could easily adapt—she had little use for living in skyscrapers so far up from the ground. The thought was downright frightening, though Kaena Lykoi would never admit her fear aloud. "Myself... I prefer to stay close to the dirt," she said, adding an almost nervous laugh to this. "I don't see why we'd even want to build such things," she said. "They are impressive, though. I'll give them that," she admitted. Impressive wasn't quite the right word in the coyote's mind—it was a tad closer to fear for her. She couldn't imagine wandering to the teetering tops of some of these monstrosities.

A grin flashed on the hybrid's russet-furred muzzle, and she shrugged her shoulder somewhat slyly, giving the red wolf a look that was just a moment longer than it ought to have been—the silvery coyote could hardly help her instincts, which were attraction to Dawali for what he was and the strangely comforting similarities between them. "I'm sure you could still catch quite a few ladies if you tried," the coyote said, the tips of her canines still showing in her smile. She was not above a random fling here and there, but an actual relationship with Kaena Lykoi was harder than trying to turn lead into gold. Everything where she was concerned withered and died or ran away from her screaming. "Maybe you just aren't looking in the right places," she said, more reassuringly. If she could still catch someone like Jacquez—even for a night—Dawali certainly still stood a chance.

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