New days, new faces

<3 Sorry for the length! I swear I wasn't trying oO
And sure, we can wrap it up! Oh and if Dawali learns of what happened to Kaena he'll totally be like "... -grumble-" (he's heard about Haku before) and offer his healing to Inferni or something. But I dunno if Dawali is likely to learn this, seeing as Kaena probably won't go around telling a male she's met only once? Thought I'd say so anyways.
Edit: lol, just as I was writing the last paragraph my music player changed to a super-sexy song. Now I almost want them to throw themselves at each other :p
Word Count: 1070 - SoSuWriMo

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

His head bobbed in a nod as she spoke. It was easy to understand, to him. Always be safe, always make sure your borders are secure. Trust no stranger, and Dawali was a stranger to all of them but this female. Perhaps the ones warning him about Inferni had been mistaken, for if their leader shared his mother's values they could certainly not be so bad. Perhaps they were merely cautious. It was one thing to be vicious on the bad side, but perhaps the other packs around here had been untrustworthy. He did not know; Dawali maintained a good relationship with the packs around here. His alliance with Phoenix Valley had yet to produce any actual action, and so for now they were simply friends with their neighbors. He did not know Cour des Miracles well, but after being invited to a race he felt that they were on good terms — especially as Haven had been the one to win. He had been told lately that Cwmfen had left these lands, and the Kalona regretted not seeking her. It had taken some time to get over his actions in regards of Brennt, but now he felt that it had been justified. It had not been murder; it had been justice. Take a life, lose a life. But he had never sought the warrior female out after it all, to see if she was all right, if her wounds were healing and if he could aid her in any way. They had done it together, after all, and she deserved his respect. Seeing as he had never come on bad terms with a representative of each pack, he could be mistaken when he thought that AniWaya was safe. You don't know your friends well before you see how they behave when upset with you. Still, he could honestly say that he had good relations with every pack in the area, his close neighbours in Crimson Dreams and Phoenix Valley in particular. "I see — that's not a problem at all. I'd much rather be extra polite than to be over-familiar and step on someone's toes. And it takes time to build friendships." He smiled, confident that she did not misinterpret, as if he meant that Inferni craved special attention compared to others because of their reputation. Of course with his friendly neighbours he could come and go as he pleased (at least to a degree), but any relationship took time to build. All in all Dawali was a nice guy with much flexibility and room for understanding in his heart. One could only hope that fate would not bite his tail for that.

He chuckled as she hinted at a fear of heights. Well perhaps not a fear, but simply a preferance for not being high up. He'd been inside the buildings of Halifax, and he had helped build two-story buildings in his youth. Two stories were not so bad, but some of the buildings in Halifax were much taller than that. The way they swung made him nervous whether he was on the outside or inside of them. Once he had turned and gone back as he could almost feel the floor crumbling under him. He never was comfortable there anyways, and he saw no reason why he should be there at all. A wolf only belonged high up when he had climbed there. "Hehe, yeah. They make me uncomfortable." His head tipped to the side and he smiled. Yes, it was strange to build such things. Then again, he did it himself, in a way. He built roofs for them to live under, seeing as caves and such were not necessarily easy to find in their claimed lands. Their focus was elsewhere when finding land. "We build roofs for ourselves, simple buildings of wood so we can be sheltered from the weather — but nothing even slightly comparable to what the humans have done." He was wrong, but he did not know that. What would he feel if he knew that the path his people was on was the exact same one that after many years had made the humans to build their concrete towers? "I don't think I can ever build something like what they have." And for that he was glad. He did not make things that made the world smaller, and himself with it.

A slow smile spread across Dawali's face, for though he was old and had not had a mate for years, he was not completely blind. This little moment of flirtation had not been his intention, but still he saw it as a sign that their connection was not one built on diplomatic politeness. He could count on this female to be his friend if he saw her again, else she would never have answered to his comment. In a way it was reassuring, like knowing that she was not false with him, as one polite diplomat would have been until mutual trust was achieved. He chuckled at her, and
repressed a blush. Oh she would not have seen it anyway, as his face was red-colored already, but still. Though he enjoyed such things he would always be shy. His one hand went back behind his head to scratch his neck, elbow pointing up towards the skies. "Hehe, maybe, maybe." He winked back at her, but felt the familiar sensation of nervousness rise in him. Luckily, Kaena did not continue, and this was a relief to him. If she had, she would have put him in a very uncomfortable position, which could have ruined their encounter altogether. Instead they moved back onto love as a subject in itself, and Dawali lowered his arm as she spoke her words, though the already nervous Dawali wasn't sure if he saw some remnants of that little moment that had just passed in them, too. "Perhaps... We should just start a senior's club, I suppose." He chuckled at his own joke now, and stood there bluntly. He would never be comfortable dating someone the same age as his daughter, and so if he was to find someone it would be outside AniWaya. And if he did that, he would either have to leave his tribe or make her stay. It would create all sorts of potential problems to make his head ache, for he knew he could never leave his tribe. It was a subject best left alone.


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