That ain't no way to go
-kicks Char in the face- At least I can write for him when I make him out to be a complete idiot. XD This is fun, I wish I had done this all along. My mistake was trying to make him likable and smart. :B

      Charon was an idiot. He nodded at the sable wolf with wide indigo eyes, trying to keep the rather dumbfounded expression from his face as she explained what a spirit guide was and how went about obtaining one. The silvery wolf smiled, trying to remain as attentive and inconspicuous in his lack of understanding as possible. For all his learnings, he was not a spiritual creature, and he lacked common sense above all else. He was lucky his face remained composed, and he nodded several times throughout Ember's words, though the meaning of the spirit guide rather escaped him.

      The moron still thought it was rather like a pet, and he could not grasp the concept in his feeble mind. "I guess... I just don't understand... hm. It's cool, though," he commented, rather at a loss for words. There was still admiration on his face, the idiot simply didn't grasp the deeper meaning behind the spirit guides, and he had never been able to communicate with animals anyway, so he didn't see how that would work for him. "I don't know if I could ever have that kind of a connection with someone I couldn't talk to," he said rather glumly, his ears drooping and sadness showing on his face.

Table thanks to James.

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