You will always remember

Ember, despite her young age and lack of vast knowledge, could feel the somber mood that the whole place seemed to put her father in. She could tell that it hurt him, that it made him sad, but there was also something there that made her feel like it made him happy, the memories, perhaps. The onyx colored child couldn't help her curiosity though, unaware that some might find her logic amusing, though feeling the need to ask none-the-less. He explained easily though, that the ground hadn't eaten her, and now the child was just a bit more relaxed than she had been before. It would have been simply terrible to be eaten by the dirt.

So now, content with her utterly important question answered, Ember kept her attention on her father, dark ears thrust forward in a sign of obvious interest. She loved to hear his stories, be the real or made up, and it was often the best way to keep the young girl quiet. He spoke of his parents, how he'd told her about them before, and she simply nodded her head in silence, a sign that she remembered. As he explained, she couldn't help but to wonder what the other girl was like, if they were anything alike at all. Disheartened by his words, the simple tone of them, the young girl let out a soft whine and scooted forward just a bit, lifting her head to press carefully against the muzzle of her father. They were quiet words at first, unsure and sad. "Papa? Do ah make yah sad a'causea her?" She was named after the friend he lost, after all.


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