You will always remember

It seemed like an odd thing, to plant someone inside the ground like a tree, so the young girl was just a bit relieved when it was revealed that such a thing hadn't happened. There had to be some other explanation though, for that she was certain, and something came to mind shortly after her father confirmed that the other Ember, the old one, had not been planted. Quiet and interested, Ember held her tongue for the sake of hearing what was to be said. She was curious about this girl, this 'old' Ember, and why she might have been so important to her father. Perhaps it was her sister, or could have been, but he'd called her friend all the times that he'd spoken of her. Surely he would tell her if she had other brothers and sisters.

Following the motion of her father, Ember shuffled her paws beneath her to bring her closer to him, moving around to his side. She didn't stop there though and she instead inched her way toward his front, both facing him and the grave. Finally she lay down, small forepaws laid over the top of one of his larger paws and eyes wide and crystal clear as she stared up at him. "A'fore chu star' Papa, did'a groun' eet her?" She simply had to ask before she could let him tell the story, suddenly paranoid that the ground might open up and suck her in so that she could be with the old Ember. She wouldn't like that very much and, if that was the case, she'd be on the top of his back, away from the ground, in a moment's time.


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