You will always remember
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The father returned his daughter’s gaze, encouraging her with his mirror-image eyes. Perhaps it wasn’t so wise to ask something so important of his daughter at so young an age. Could she be expected to understand the meaning of such an oath? Could he validly hold her to it as she grew older? Phoenix only wanted the best for his daughter. He wanted her to live a happy life, and sometimes that could only be achieved after a long spell of misery. Such had been Phoenix’s fortune. He smiled happily when she finally made the vow and gave her another kiss on the forehead.

“I hope that never happens to you,” he said in an attempt to reassure her. “Me an’ Momma never leave you if we can help it, sweetie. An’ I know neither will your brothers an’ sisters.” He didn’t promise that he would never leave her period, because truthfully he couldn’t. He knew that circumstances were beyond control by force of will and no matter how much he wanted to always be there for his daughter, there was always the chance that he could die and be ripped away from the world and the ones he held most dear. Perhaps if she ever lost her family the shock would not be so great if she never had the misconception that they were indestructible.

His daughter’s next action was unexpected, but priceless in its innocence. Feeling weary yet rejuvenated at the same time, Phoenix brought himself back on all fours and sat down beside and behind the new Ember. “Y’know, I can tell a’ready…” he offered her, nuzzling her behind an ear, “You’re gonna make both me an’ Ember’s name proud.”

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