You will always remember
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It was reassuring to know that there were wolves who could take care of his children in the event of his and Iskata’s untimely demise. His own parents had tried to have a litter away from any pack for reasons he had never figured out, and that had been the downfall of his family. What made things better was that the ones he could trust were his own adopted children, who had now grown into responsible adults themselves. Moon and Dierdre (and Sun, if she ever returned) could raise his children similar to how he would bring them up and keep the memories of him alive. Perhaps it was morbid to consider such scenarios, but Phoenix would rather be prepared for misfortune rather than leave his children to flounder for themselves.

His memories of his sister were precious to him. He wished he had spent more time with her while he had been able to, but that was the whole point, wasn’t it? Sighing, the male scanned his memories to answer his daughter. “She loved t’play in the mud after the rain,” he said finally. Unfortunately (or fortunately, if looking at it from a parent’s point of view) it was too late in the year for that kind of weather. Any mud that resulted from the melted snows would still be too cold and too stiff to play in. Sensing this Ember wanted to know more about her predecessor, he volunteered more information. “She was black like you, ‘cept she had pretty red eyes. She was also very sweet an’ kind, an’ had lotsa friends, more’n I knew about too.” He could have gone on about her virtues, but slowed down so his young daughter wouldn’t lose interest.

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