a reason to feel alive
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... _table.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
sorry for the wait today was my first day of school!

Red eyes watched Cwmfen as she spoke, ears moving with every word. The last time he had seen the dark female there was a lot of tense between the packs, and yet the way she seemed to watch him Leroy wasn't surprised. Ears fanned forward, body relaxed Leroy made sure he wouldn't be seen as a threat. Moving when his dark company did Leroy nodded at her news with a small, almost hidden smile as he folded himself to a sit with hands resting on his knees.

Leroy didn't interrupt but waited, he wasn't sure how to say what he wanted to. No, maybe she isn't his friends but he feels on some strange level they are close to it. Maybe it was her clam demeanor he liked at the moment, or simply wanted to talk. "It's good they're health." Deep voice was smooth as he paused for a moment, red eyes looking at the her white ones. "For some reason I wanted to see how her were, the last time I seen you, you were, well still pregnant." Smiling for a moment his black ear flickered quickly."Anyway Svara's gone. She left over some months ago and I don't see you or anyone here a threat, just saying, I was very curious how your litter.


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