like the tides of my life
309 words!

Princess had had sex? Clearly it must have been with this Haven guy. But Jesus, didn't she have more sense than that? Ares blamed most of his sister's character flaws on his mother, but why the hell hadn't she bothered to impart her hatred and terror of sex to her daughter? That would have at least been something useful, at least while Princess was still a kid. "Just because you've done it doesn't mean you aren't too young." He said sharply, disapproval ringing clearly in his tone. "You think you're ready to be a mother? You realize you might have puppies, now?" He didn't know that you had to be a certain age for puppies to actually happen, so he was actually intensely worried about this possibility. There was no way Princess was mature enough to raise kids. Sure, even now she'd be better than Tokyo ever was, but...

And yeah, that interaction with Haven sounded mostly like he expected her. Charming her onto her back, politely sharing his drink, etc etc. Ares rolled his eyes. God, that guy sounded so cliche! "And I bet he told you all about his sword, and how long and sturdy it is?" He said sarcastically, speaking the most ridiculous euphemism that came to mind. "Why would you do something like that with someone you barely even know?" It was completely mind-blowing to Ares. He couldn't imagine ever doing something like that; just running into some girl and taking her to bed! Sure, alcohol made you think funny but.. That was so, ugh, rude and slimy and just.. He never wanted to be that sort of guy, and he couldn't imagine anyone that was being worth anything, let alone his darling baby sister. This Haven better not show his face around these parts, or Ares might have to just deal with him personally.

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