outside it's armageddon.
http://sleepyglow.net/rp/kae/kae_razor.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Ja, will start. Big Grin

    The silvery canine grinned at her granddaughter's disappointment, shaking her head. She had given a few tattoos, and her own had healed up rather nicely; the work on Halo's chest was the best she'd ever done. The hybrid had been practicing with the gun over the past few months, leaving the ink empty and tracing over any patterns she could find to help her hand grow steady. It had worked; the lines on the tattoo were perfectly sharp and clear, and the red was the very same deep shade of crimson as her own. "No problem. It will calm down in a few weeks, but it might be sensitive for the month," she elaborated, smiling as she set the mirror back down. The hybrid fiddled with the tattoo gun for a minute, disconnecting the ink. She'd have to wash it out, she knew that much, but she figured ocean water would do just fine for that. Kaena wasn't planning on opening a shop to tattoo any old canine who stumbled upon her; she would only be using this gun on canines she knew well enough to endure for half an hour, and so she had no worries about spreading disease.

    The younger canine spoke her thanks, and the hybrid nodded, her shining yellow eye still regarding Halo as if she were a new woman, her gaze flitting between the red-eyed woman's face and her new crimson tattoo. The hybrid reached out to take her hand, squeezing it lightly, volumes passing between the canines without speaking. This was a momentous occasion, and the hybrid knew her granddaughter appreciated this moment even more than Kaena herself did. Halo had dubious beginning, sure—her father was Vitium, the great traitor. But that only served to connect her to the family in Kaena's eyes; she did not think it was worth condemning everyone of Vitium's lineage for his single act. Halo was worth more than that to Kaena, far more—she was the last of any of the hybrid's grandchildren, and devout to the matron herself, and the Lykoi family. She was Lykoi, through-and-through. The burning star on her chest proclaimed that loudly.


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