surrender, surrender, but don't give yourself away
YOU FLIP THEM OFF WITH YOUR FINGERS. XDD /aqua teen nonsense. But OH, it is so much more fun to play Charon when I mock him. XD

      The dumbass of a wolf nodded his head as Geneva spoke, his ears pricked up to catch her words. He was amazed—she'd lived in two packs? That meant she had to be very knowledgeable about the different lifestyles that they led. Char was rather interested in settling down to a nice, comfortable family life and a pack, and live out his life and get old. He hardly had the brains to dream anything larger than that.

      The silvery wolf opened his mouth, the words tumbling out of it at a breakneck pace. "Which do you like better? I've been alone for a while, I'm thinking I need to settle down, you know?" he said. That sable wolf's pack was already excluded; she'd attacked him for good reason, but it made the whole matter no less embarassing to Charon.

      The wolf grinned, proud of himself. "Oh, it was an adventure," the silver canine responded childishly, his grin only widening. It was fairly obvious he was a few cards short of a full deck, but perhaps because of his good nature and outgoing personality that could be overlooked. Charon had never heard of New York, naturally. He cocked his head to the side and looked at the iron-colored woman before him, his nose wrinkling in curiosity and confusion.

      "Where's New York? What's it like there?" Bubbly Char had a natural curiosity about almost everything, and this was no exception. Part of him still wanted to see the world, but being around Amata, who was so nice and sweet and kind and everything he could ever want in a daughter, had made him want to settle, find a woman, and propagate his dumb genes. Too bad for Darwinism.

Table thanks to James.

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