the taste of freedom

regarding those cd / ddm anti-drama messages sent out, i cleared this with erin and she said it was fine (cos the point of this thread is for tokyo/haku stuff) as long as haku doesn't go to cd to complain about ares XD. 423 words

Ares was feeling rather accomplished. Unlike a lot of problems in his life, which he tended to put off dealing with for as long as possible, he had actually confronted the situation with Haven and Princess head on. He wasn't sure if he approved of their actions, but he had at least decided hat maybe the guy wasn't as despicable as he thought. Still, the rush he had got from punching him right in the face! His exhilaration had actually managed to prompt him to do something about his Tokyo problem. No, he had absolutely no intention to face her head on, but he should seriously seriously do some scouting. He had been a member of Crimson Dreams for what, months now! And he had never even manned up enough go back to Dahlia de Mai after the first terrified realization that that was where his mother lived.

But now.. He was here. Ares had left last night after the sun had set and had made it to Dahlia a couple hours ago. It was almost dawn, now; he had overestimated how much remaining darkness he had. It was hard to tell with the dark gray storm clouds roiling over the natural marks by which to tell time. Well, as long as they didn't part within the next hour or two and let the light peek through before he left he'd probably be fine. Of course, any wolf who caught his scent could track him down, but he still felt safer in the darkness, when his mottled gray coat blended so seamlessly with the shadows. His yellow orbs glittered like miniature stars in the gloom.

Ares had found his mother's den. He didn't know if she was in it; he hadn't gotten close enough to actually look, that would have been terrifyingly dangerous. It hadn't been that hard. He knew she liked the coast, so he had traced it west, having made his way around outside of the edges of the territory to enter from the east. Her scent was so suffocatingly heavy around the cave, and scattered clothes hung near the entrance. Yeah, that was where she lived alright.. His successful scouting made him feel even more accomplished, and it was reflected in his confident, happy body language. He wasn't going to be caught by anyone now, not with the border so close, not with no one having found him thus far. Carelessly, then, he had stopped skulking through shadows, and was just trotting directly through open spaces in a beeline towards the exit.

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