the taste of freedom

umm so yeah i'm quite clearly cheating on my posting order here. DONT TELL ANYONE. XD. 329 words

Ares, for all that he was a rather skilled tracker himself, had absolutely no fucking clue that he was being followed. At least up until the point where he sort of had no choice but to notice, when the voice simultaneously shattered the silence and the dark boy's now-clearly-undeserved sense of success. He would have ran for it, had he actually thought there was any chance that he would make it. The brown male his golden eyes had picked out from nearby brush was eerily still, and most definitely between him and the freedom of neutral ground. It was an odd reversal of roles; being trapped within a lands that Ares desperately wished to leave, instead of being forbidden to enter the territory of a foreign pack. Every second he lost, every second he remained here.. Was another second that maybe Tokyo would wake up. Notice his scent. Follow it here.. Find him.

He realized, though, as he studied the other, that Ares might have significantly more to worry about than the arrival of his mother. Blue eyes. Brown, like Conor. Scarred, and dangerous. Chills struck him, suddenly, and he wondered if this was how he was going to die, alone on a strange land. Would Princess even know what had happened to him? He had told no one where he was going. Instead of paling in the face of a threat, instead of attempting what would probably have been the safer tactic of meekness, he semi-brazenly returned question with a question, instead of attempting to explain himself or even justify his presence. Yeah, excuses leaped to mind and tongue, but he was no Tokyo to snatch up the easiest to believe and feed it to the stranger with honeyed tones. "No. Are you Haku Soul?" He wasn't.. quite suicidal, though, and his posture had drooped rather rapidly after the other wolf was spotted. Not grovelling, but most definitely acknowledging the fact that he was not in charge anymore.

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