the taste of freedom

it's k! <3

Ares had too much experience with his mother to assume a relaxed stance indicated he was in the clear. He stayed tense, watchful, and wary. Well, he didn't really have anything to lose by speaking. If it wasn't enough to buy his life, at least it still had the chance to fuck up his mother's. Wasn't that the most important goal to achieve, anyway? "First of all, there's me. I've heard from my sister that Tokyo doesn't want word of my existence to get out. She doesn't know I'm living in the area. I look like my father, and she hated him, so she hates me." It sounded so simply transitive when you spoke it that way. In cold reason there was very clearly drawn lines, even if the argument didn't follow any logic Ares knew.

"She named me "Buttface," and beat me. She probably wishes I died with my siblings - she killed three of the five of us when we were infants. Hell if I know why. I don't think she feels shame for either action - murdering them, or hurting me - but she cares so much about her image, her reputation, that I'm sure she'd just die if anyone knew." He was tempted to just turn and walk away, to just leave now that he'd paid his mentioned price. But the thought of turning his back to this terrifying blue-eyed demon was too chilling. No, Ares would wait and see his reaction, and if he was going to die today he'd at least put up a fight, for all the good it would do him.

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