when you were young

TOXICJKFL;SDAFJKLSDF; i never ever ever ever eeeeever have people wait this long! I'm so sorry. I did family things then i had exams...and ahhhhh i just forgot about this >_>;;;;;; <3333 maybe we can make up for lost time by having a short post thread? Or we can all just have a thread later >_>;;; anything... sorry guys.

TOXICThe little bugger was getting impatient. This crab seemed bored, and Toxic was honestly just waiting 'til the crab would start to run off before pouncing, right when it got exciting. However, it just seemed that the crab was having a staring contest with him, dancing in front of the puppy because he knew that the little one couldn't do anything. Toxic hadn't noticed the two creatures watching him until one of them had said “Vot are you doing?” but he ignored that until a second had said “Careful,” because the puppy got curious as to who the voices belonged to. Toxic quickly turned around, and while his back was turned, the crustacean jumped with a plop! into the waves. The pup turned back when he heard that, and saw nothing but sand. He snarled in annoyance, and kicked the sand, frustrated.

TOXIC"Are you serious?! Come back!" he cried, staring at the murky water, whose sand was just settling. It was immensely frustrating, wasting all that energy for nothing. "Why did he go away?" Toxic asked the two coyotes that he blamed for the crab's escape. Toxic didn't know either of them, but they definitely belonged to Inferni, he could smell that. They seemed nice enough, but in this place his parents had taught him that appearances meant nothing.

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