spend all my time amongst the animals
<333! I love purple. XD And electric green. I need to make a table with these colors, but rarely do they work well together. >___>

mall-caps;">In Character

    The silver woman considered the tawny coyote with an approving nod. That was a good approach—they had a rank for that, even. The Imperium was the jack-of-all-trades, the coyote who ought to have explained to Hezekiah what she had just explained to him. Sadly, they had no one to fill that rank—she tilted her head and leveled an eye at him. "We have a rank for someone who knows a bit of everything," she suggested, grinning at him.

    Kaena also approved and agreed with the notion that he ought to learn to defend himself—it was a useful skill, to say the least. The hybrid woman had been in too many scuffles and fights to count, and she had learned many painful lessons through them, clearly evident in her scarred face. "If you'd ever like to spar, you need only ask. I meet up with Anselm to do the same, we've taught each other a few tricks," the coyote suggested, smiling. She would make sure to give him some pointers beforehand, and make it clear that teeth and claws were not allowed. Anselm and Kaena were becoming good friends, and their semi-regular matches had been good for Kaena. It was showing in her physical state, which was certainly improved since she had wandered back over the border, a bedraggled and travel-worn ghost of herself.

    Hesitant, the coyote collected her thoughts for a moment. She had not been present for the fire or the migration, and she truthfully knew little about the first year of this Inferni's life. "There were other wolf packs and the first Inferni over there, but there was a fire and everyone fled south, here. There's nothing over there but ash and burned dirt, anymore. I've seen it," the coyote said, her voice tinged with a strange sadness. She would not live to see Inferni's old beach return to any sort of splendor; the coyote woman would be dead and buried herself by the time lush green came to those lands again—if ever. "I wasn't here when it burned, but when I came back, I went there first, obviously," the coyote said, her shoulders straightening as she composed herself.


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