spend all my time amongst the animals
I need to start us that other thread, grahhhh. *puts it on her to do list before she forgets again*
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/hezetable.jpg) no-repeat center center;">

The notion that things could just happen like that did not surprise him, but it did concern him. If the wolves were responsible of such a thing, maybe they would do it again. But then again, fire was something that Hezekiah had a healthy fear of — he understood what good it provided, but he also understood what it could do and as he had just learnt, what destruction it could cause. Either way, it seemed as though that fire had been nothing more than an abeyance to Inferni’s ability to stick together as a clan. He was fortunate enough to have not been in existence when it had happened.

“Were the wolves as dangerous on the other side of the mountain as they are here?” he queried, though he felt maybe the answer was obvious. The competition between the two canine cousins wasn’t brand new by any rate and needed not to be spoken of in great detail. Any coyote with more than two brain cells to rub together knew by instinct alone that wolves were a possible threat. They were, in some cases, bigger and stronger; coyotes were meant to be the smaller, more flighty of the bunch. It was no wonder Inferni had stayed standing as long as it had, given the concentration of hybrids it contained.


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