I should have given you a reason to stay
Word Count: ---



Conor looked at the book for a moment, and Mew waited patiently. She had taught Alexey to read some of the human music language, and she had needed time. If stressed, Mew suspected Conor would just feel embarrassed, but she didn't know. Mew had never had the luxury of a tutor, at least not in this sense. When he did speak, Mew realized this book was perhaps not as logical as she thought it was. It was easy enough for her, she could already read. Using her nose, she pointed at the 'A' letter inside the word 'bear' trying to explain. "That letter, 'A', isn't unique to the word 'apple'. Altogether we have 27 letters, and they build all the words we know, like they are all the different sounds we make in words. This book wants to help you memorize all of those letters, by giving you images to remember them by. If you try to ignore the images and just look at the biggest letters on each page - those are the letters you need to know to read." Smiling, she turned a page with her nose, revealing a picture of a cloud, and pointed at the letter 'C' with an encouraging smile. "That's the letter 'C', and when you write the word 'cloud' it is the first one you write. But it is not a 'cloud letter', is it just a symbol for one of the sounds in the word," It might be hard to grasp at first, but she was certain he would progress quickly once he understood the basic concept.


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