je ne t'aime pas



      The footsteps that came towards him caused him to freeze and he debated turning tail and going back the other way, but they came with a purpose and quickly, from out of nowhere Asariel was there. Lysander greeted her with an easy and natural smile, as if indeed he was pleased to see her (and part of him was) and he slowed, to accommodate her but still continue on his mission. He had to get nails, didn’t she know that? He walked slowly, for a brief moment guiding her with his hand to indicate she should walk beside him and then he turned his face towards the marina. He was so close, in fact that must have been where she had been coming from. Dumb luck.

      “Avoiding you? Don’t be a goose. I’ve been around, you just haven’t been looking hard enough.” His voice was light and teasing, but he couldn’t help but think it was her fault. If she really wanted to find him, she could have, never mind he refused to answer his own door for the last week and a half, he was home and if someone had pounded persistently enough… Anyway, it was all her fault, this whole mess that had him holed up and secluded. If only she wasn’t so nice and fun and pretty then he wouldn’t feel bad treating her the way he believed all women should be treated, but the idea churned his stomach. Guilt and empathy were hard emotions that he was only learning to deal with. “What have you been up to anyway? I’ve been pretty busy, building stuff for my cabin.” It wasn’t a lie, but he at least felt better offering her an excuse, because even if she didn’t deserve all of his unholy attention she didn’t quite deserve to be ignored either, and Lysander was having a horrible time finding the middle ground, the one where Asariel was suppose to be standing.


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