what blind eyes see
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 5/ruri.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Still waters run deep

Ruri grinned at Firefly's mock agitation. "I knew you wouldn't be gone for long, so I figured I'd just wait," she replied with an amused laugh. Then Firefly asked what had changed while she was gone. Where should she start? The ivory and slate hued female paused to ponder her answer for a moment before she turned to face Firefly once more, her useless blue eyes dancing in the woman's general direction. "A lot of things have changed. A few new packmembers have joined and some have left. One of the newer packmembers is a very good...friend...of mine," she stumbled over the word friend as she was unsure whether Heath was just a friend anymore. He certainly felt like more than just a friend, similar to how Jac was more than just her friend. "We had a horse race a week or two ago. We invited the Aniwaya pack to participate. Haven won with his horse Drogon! Heath came in third," she paused yet again, thinking about how she and Heath had gone on their first horseback ride together after the race. She'd met his horse, Lumiere, and they had ridden another horse named Stark who seemed to like her. The delicate collie girl figured she would not tell Firefly about that particular event though. "Besides that...nothing too out of the ordinary that I can think of. I'm sure I've probably left something out, but don't worry someone else is bound to fill you in on the other things soon," she finished, now following Firefly at an excited pace, her feminine hips swaying from side to side as she walked behind the copper and gold wolfess.

Her half-folded collie ears were perked forward, listening to everything Firefly said. The merle border collie couldn't help but smile out of excitement, both that her friend was back and that they were going to go look for some clothes. Perhaps Ruri would find another sweater like the over-sized, ratty one she used to wear. She listened as Firefly confessed that she really didn't know how she was doing. Ruri nodded gently and continued to listen as Firefly changed the subject to one that they both could talk about comfortably. "Jac's still been chasing the girls, but he has found other things to do as well. I don't know if you've met her yet, but he has a horse now. THe little thing, named Rue, adopted him after her mother died. She's cute, but she likes to try and eat my hair. Evidentally she rarely leaves Jac's side. That seems to annoy Jac to no end," she giggled, remembering how Jac had spoken about how Rue never left him alone unless he tied her up somewhere. "And of course he's still brewing that moonshine stuff he likes so much. Yep, our beloved king hasn't changed much at all," she smiled fondly as she thought about her one-armed best friend. Now that that was done Ruri carried on in silence for a few minutes as Firefly continued to lead the way towards what Ruri guessed was the city of Lunenburg, which Ruri had yet to explore. The blind girl only knew where it was because she had heard someone talking about it awhile back. The delicate optime couldn't wait to start trying on some new clothes. She couldn't care less about how she looked in them, just so long as they were comfortable and would keep her warm. Making her look good would be up to Firefly, the only one of them who could see what she was doing.


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