what blind eyes see

Firefly never really thought much on what she wore or how often she went scrounging for clothing in the abandon cities but shifting through the racks of clothes looking for things that would go well on the young girl's body and just make her look stunning indeed. She would never admit it to anyone but Firefly had a weakness for those few younger friends that seemed to cling to her like burrs, reminding her of the children she'd been forced to leave behind. She almost hadn't heard Ruri when she asked her about what sort of things she wore but after a second Firefly stopped rummaging through the clothes and thought about it, not really certain how to explain to Ruri the type of clothing that Firefly herself liked. The silence lingered a moment before Firefly finally replied. "I tend to wear jeans and capris a lot.. and I like leather jackets, vests and sometimes pants. They're just more fun and they make the boys look twice." She chuckled slightly at the idea as she picked up a few really long cashmere sweaters that she wasn't exactly certain if they were dresses or just shirts.

Looking about Firefly tried to explain some of the different things, assuming that Ruri really didn't know that much about human clothing, Firefly herself was probably an expert since she did tend to spend her time playing dress-up when no one was looking, or even just to make them look. "Jeans, skirts and pants are clothing you wear along your hindlegs and along your hips, they don't always keep you that warm but they look good. Sweaters, jackets, coats and shirts are for keeping your upper body warm but sometimes they are just for show too. Dresses cover top and bottom but they can be drafty about the legs.. and they always make the boys look..I think it's one of the finer points of being a girl." She said with a smirk on her lips.

She had collected quite a few things and now that her arms were loaded down she grinned and turned back to Ruri. "Now we get you all dressed up. You tell me what you like, how it feels and all.." She once more lead Ruri down the rows upon rows of racks until they came to the fitting rooms, they didn't need the rooms but Firefly wanted to see Ruri in front of the mirrors outside the changing place. Letting go of Ruri's hand she dropped the clothing onto a dusty chair and stood before Ruri with one of the cashmere sweaters that seemed to be a dress as well. "Hands above your head Ruri!" she called as she gathered the material up to the neckline and waited for Ruri to raise her arms up.


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