what blind eyes see
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 5/ruri.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Still waters run deep

Ruri listened intently as Firefly described the types of clothes she liked to wear. Jeans...capris...leather jackets, vests, and pants: Ruri made sure to remember all of those names, although she wasn't sure why. She knew what a jacket was, and leather...that was tanned animal hide. She'd been given a few pieces to chew on as a pup to keep her occupied when they were out sailing. She had no idea you could wear the stuff. The ivory and merle femme then listened with a thankful expression on her face as Firefly went into a brief description of different types of clothes. After Ruri made sure to repeat the descriptions in her head, Ruri nodded her head to signify that she understood.

When Firefly told her that it was time for her to start trying things on, Ruri couldn't help but smile expectantly, although she made sure to listen to Firefly's instructions. Firefly was helping her, the least she could do was listen and be cooperative. The delicate optime followed Firefly to another room where Firefly set down what sounded like a large stack of clothes before quickly instructing Ruri to raise her hands above her head. "Okay Firefly," she replied while quickly raising her white furred hands up as high as she could reach, which wasn't very high to an average luperci, but Ruri was short...she couldn't help it. Her tail wagged behind her expectantly, realizing that Firefly was likely going to help her put some sort of shirt on first. At least, this was how she thought shirts were supposed to be put on.


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