(pi)r² or are they round?

Whoops, I wasn't even thinking. We can just say by that he meant he hadn't seen or played with her that day... or something. XD

_____ Icarus scrunched his nose and made a face at Phoenix’s reply, only hoping that the darkness disguised his true expression. His answer wasn’t exactly what he was looking for. He wanted something more specific – something that would really guide him with what he was supposed to do from now until he was considered an adult. Learn everything he could from the adults? What kind of job was that? He wasn’t even sure of all the things there were to learn, but he would attempt to complete his job successfully. But would that really take him from now to adulthood to figure out?

_____ Firefly would probably figure things out way before Icarus, considering her adventurous spirit. Even now Icarus and his siblings would look to her for guidance in different situations. He only hoped that when they grew older that he wouldn’t be living in her shadow all the time. After all, everyone was always looking after her more than the others and Icarus couldn’t help but call her names behind her back. She was an attention seeker!

_____ Icarus scoffed at his dad’s warning – he was always being so protective of him, even though Icarus could take care of himself – but then the pup quickly wiped away his expression. He wanted to be just like dad, and so he didn’t want to be caught being apathetic towards his words. "Yes daddy," he added for good measure in case he had been spotted. His small pink tongue rolled out of his small mug as he let out a long yawn. The day's adventures to the beach were starting to take its toll. He looked to Phoenix, hoping he wouldn’t make them turn back _home just yet. He was rebellious, like most kids, when it came to bed time and would fight it for as long as he could manage.


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