a very merry unbirthday to all [p]
brotha is slow! 404 words

Ares had been dozing in his comfy, squishy bed. He had gone looking recently, and found five or six different blankets to pile on his bed. He didn't sleep under the sheets, but instead in a nest of his blankets. If it was cold enough, sometimes he pulled the big fluffy white one over him, but usually his fur was enough, and the blankets were just for softness. He had always been a light sleeper. It was a habit learned early on, a remnant from the days when he had to always be on guard, alert, ready to scramble out of the way if he was somehow incurring the wrath of his mother. At the knock, then, he jolted straight awake. The voice stilled the panic fluttering in his chest - he had been dreaming about something unpleasant, but he couldn't remember just what. He had a bit of a headache, too, which was why he had tried to nap in the first place. Princess, though. His sister, she'd make the day brighter. And with a gift!

Before opening the door, Ares fell to hands and knees, reaching under his bed. He was actually rather proud of himself for remembering their birthday; he usually wasn't very good with dates, or anything. But a first birthday! That was such a big event. Princess and him were.. basically adults, now. God damn, he certainly didn't feel like one. Ignoring the faint pounding of the remnants of his headache, he dug out the carefully engraved wood jewelry box. Inside were three glittery pieces of metal: a butterfly, a dragonfly, and a ladybug. There were three silver pieces which could be snapped into place on the back of the shapes, turning any of the pieces into: a hair-clip, a brooch, or a necklace. He had found it investigating some old house, along with his tatty backpack and a few spiral bound notebooks which he now used to write his poetry in. Personally he thought his own treasures were the greater ones, but this sort of thing seemed like something Princess would like.

Standing up with it, he tucked it under one arm and opened the door nervously. If she came bringing a present.. She probably wasn't still mad? But she had seemed so angry.. Did she hate him, now? "Hey Princess.. I have something for you, too. What'd you bring?" He looked curiously at the book in her hands.

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