a very merry unbirthday to all [p]
almost done? Big GrinD. 362 words

Ares wanted not only to pretend that things were back like they were, but also that his sister was still his and his alone, that Haven wasn't off sullying her innocence.. But Princess' agreement came linked with an acceptance or at least an acknowledgment of that distasteful fact, and so Ares swallowed it as best as he could. It was his job as a brother to learn how to deal with that fact without feeling so damned itchy and unhappy within his skin. And then.. her question about Mati. Ares didn't even know how to answer that. Because there wasn't anything between them. But there was. Sort of? He shook his head. "I met her my first night here, we talked and looked at the stars in front of the mansion." He remembered it crystal clear, every detail from the subjects they spoke about to the silly throwing of grass at each other. If anything actually existed between Mati and Ares, he would point to that as a proper first meeting, a proper first date. Not getting drunk and.. He didn't even let that thought finish, it would just cause him to spark the anger he'd been trying so hard to extinguish.

"And, I dunno. There's nothing really. I mean, I like her? But I don't think she's interested in me like that, and I'm okay with just being friends." Sort of. Like, he would prefer just being friends to not having her in his life at all, but he had a sinking suspicion that eventually it would start to grate on him a lot more. Or maybe not. Maybe he would just lose the sill fantasies and hopes that so frequently blotted out more sensible thoughts and aspirations. There were lots of other girls, weren't there? Except for Noir, none had seemed really to like him too much in particular. And she was just a kid, even younger than Princess, waaaay too young for any sort of relationship, so she wasn't even someone to consider or anything. He'd find someone for him eventually. When he was older, and mature enough to be able to deal with what that sort of thing brought.

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