lengths of snakes match each silent syllable.
603 words

"The pleasure's all mine, I'm sure!" Kæ chirped, smiling broadly up at her. If one could expect something from the young man, it would be an encouraging face- the way he handled himself and flitted through personalities left little room for another to find themselves ill at ease with the dog. It simply wasn't in his nature to antagonize, nor to allow someone to believe that he was anything but what they would like to see. In most senses, he was little more than a liar, but he was a liar that would make you feel comfortable with the situation, and perhaps he prided himself on that most of all. She had an agreeably pleasant name that matched her looks- her mother had done well, it seemed.

He understood where she was coming from- even he would want a bit of solitude every now and then, and he supposed that the early morning was the best time to find it. The drunkards from late nights would be too hungover to bother anyone, and the majority of the pack most likely enjoyed sleeping in. "I couldn't agree more with you, though my early morning habits are usually dictated by my activities the previous night." He was speaking strictly of alcohol, of course, though he remembered the occasional long night spent with a short-term lover- oh, those were the days. He had been forced to be more careful with his promiscuity since his Luperci infection; unlike the woman that had infected him, he didn't want to contaminate some poor woman and condemn her to a life she didn't want.

Locum? He desperately needed to learn the ranks here. Jefferson had been wonderfully vague when describing the possible outcome of duties ("you can herd them"), but he had been too worried about maintaining something of a good impression to further bother the leader with questions, especially when all it took was a bit of research to find the answer. "Jefferson spoke of needing more scouts, but in the same breath he said that not much goes around here- I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing, but I must admit that I am enjoying the time to lounge."

He gave her another pleasant smile as she finally sat down- her standing had begun to make him a bit nervous- and watched her keenly, a question almost immediately forming on his tongue as he saw her eyes pass over his book. "Do you read?" He asked innocently; from what he had gathered, not all had had the fortune of befriending someone who could and was also willing to teach another to do so- personally, Kvæsir doubted he would have the patience unless he himself gained something other than the happy spirit of a do-gooder from it.

A gunmetal-gray she-wolf approached them through the murk of the morning, her Lupus form making Kvæsir yearn to be in his own. He wasn't comfortable in his Optime form, not yet, but not having fingers certainly made it a whole hell of a lot harder to thumb through the wrinkled pages of his books. He wondered, momentarily, if she was a non-Luperci or if she simply preferred the four-legged form as he did, but left it alone for the time being, choosing instead to return her greeting with a nod and an introduction of his own. "Good morning Anya! I'm fine, and yourself?" Xeris certainly did seem to know the woman that stood before them, and Kæ's flopped ears twitched to catch their voices. "I'm Kvæsir, by the way. I'm new to Phoenix Valley."


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