aces high.
586 words
invite accepted! 8D kæ needs some guy friends to drink with. hope this is okay!

Perhaps like the others, it had been the acrid, yet somehow friendly, tang of alcohol that had caught the dog's attention the most- though at first he had been almost certain that the scent was streaming from his tattered black pack, which had been slung across his back without thoughts toward the glass bottle of Captain that lay inside with the rest of his possessions. With a string of choice swears he had jerked the backpack off and fairly ripped it open, his irritation causing him to put yet another accidental tear in the heavy-bodied fabric. Reaching a white hand in, his long fingers grasped the neck of the bottle and he held it up to the light, squinting his eyes in search for miniscule cracks. Finding none, he lowered his blunt muzzle into the bag and inhaled, giving a grunt of relief as he retracted his maw- nothing. Good. Better someone else was using up their stocks rather than him spilling his everywhere simply from carelessness. Straightening, the rather small and lean male started forwards, following his senses- though they were now cloyed with the especially sharp piquancy of his own booze.

It wasn't exactly difficult to find the place, though admittedly it was as empty and antiquated as the buildings that surrounded it and he had never examined this side of town before. Still, as he passed by an open window, its panes caked with innumerable years of dust and grime, he heard the threading of a voice of some unknown individual. Though he was not paying attention enough to make out the words, he moved so that he could peer inside of the window, spotting a strange duo- one was a golden sort of wolf, whilst the other was a ruddy, one-armed man; though he knew neither, he might as well, right? Feeling that there was little need for him in Phoenix Valley for the time being; and that somewhere between the cigarettes, alcohol, and books that he was currently toting around he may be able to offer some added entertainment, the dog moved from his spot at the window and instead moved towards the wooden door that stared out at him. Wasting no time, his black-clawed hands pulled the handle and the heavy door swung open.

Popping his head in before the rest of him, Kvæsir glanced first left, then right, before his bright gaze settled on the two canines that were next to a table, one of which had seemed to already be started on his drinking for the day. "Hey," the dog spoke, his voice chipper with anticipation of having some mates to drink with, "Mind if I join you?" With a quick grin he stepped the rest of the way inside, allowing the door to swing shut behind him and his thickly feathered tail to swing slowly side to side. One hand grasped a strap of his bag as he hunched his bag and shrugged to keep it in place. Approaching them with a crooked smile- and not stopping to think that maybe he wasn't welcome after all- the border collie mix motioned with his free hand to the stack of cards that had been in the amber-furred wolf's hands. "What's the game?" In all honesty, he had never been one for card games. He was young still, and had grown up in a non-Luperci family, with normal, virus-free companions and lovers- so anything involving the use of opposable thumbs hadn't really been available as an entertainment source.


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