so many of us hide our black hearts.
290 words
s'okay, mine's short too :/ haven't seen you on AIM, everything alright?

So transfixed on the sheep Kæ was that he nearly missed the rustle of paws against grass, even with the wonderfully acute ears that canines are naturally blessed with. Still, he did catch the scent, and as he sensed Naniko a ways behind him he turned, one side of his lips curling into a boyish half-smile. Head cocked, flopped ears pricked, his brown eyes were almost playful as they met the silver woman's face. It was strange being taller than her, strange being taller than anyone, actually, and for a selfish moment he gleefully relished the feeling before it passed. Still, it brought a wide grin to his white muzzle and set his tail wagging. "You know, for a while there, I had to wonder if you'd actually come back,"he chuckled with a wink. Though it hadn't been long since he had last seen the girl, he could swear that her belly had grown even larger- if that was possible.

"They're due any day now, aren't they?" he asked, only slightly masking his enthusiasm. Though he didn't think he would make a good father, Kvæsir did, like most others, find children to be delightfully adorable from afar. "And if they are," he began again, eyes narrowing, "Shouldn't you be somewhere safe? And warm?" The fact that it was a pleasant day was not the point. "And where's your mate? Shouldn't he be escorting you?" Of course, his seeming interrogation of the pregnant wolf was by no means meant to be rude, but- tact wasn't always his strong point when he was genuinely worried.

His gaze shifted once more, this time back to woolly bundles that grazed lazily before him, their long faces doleful. "Do they eat the sheep, here? Or just use the wool?" So very full of questions, he was today.


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