two miles beyond.
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Sorry it took so long! >< Wc: 1000+

By any and all means, it was an ordinary day by the timber fae's standards. Aside from the fact that she was miles from her pack, of course. Going back to her nomadic habits, she had snuck away earlier that morning, under the cover of a rising sun, to explore the territory that surrounded her new home. It was odd that she hadn't done so already, being as restless as the fae could be, but she had resisted telling her ebony sister about her 'exploration', mainly because Savina would probably be expecting it anyways.

It wouldn't have been the first time she'd run off on them, her family. More like the third in fact. So by now, she had no qualms about leaving her pack, and her duties as a Chief Sergeant behind; If anyone asked, she'd dismiss it as a hunting trip. Usually, wolves who knew her well wouldn't be able to see just what entertained the wolfess so much about exploring the lands - they knew she hated focusing on something for too long. But she could understand what other's couldn't always. She knew precisely the amount of things she needed to keep track of while on the move, the least of it being her location.

She hadn't begun with a plan, necessarily, of where she was going, but regarded the azure sky with her own turquoise pools, wondering what they would look like under the cover of night. Of course, that would mean sacrificing sleep until the next night, so she would be back in time for the morning, but Ghita was used to pulling long hours - she could barely sleep while resting in the Manor anyways.

Her lupine paws trotted over leaves and sticks effortlessly in the Secui form, large and bulky - out of place in her surroundings. But ever since she had learned to shift, (only a few days ago) she found this her favorite form to be in while moving. Stamina was sacrificed for speed, but that suited her just fine - as long as she got where she was going. Picking up speed, growing muscles stretched lazily before contracting and darting forwards in an effortless lope through the territory. In front of her, a barren city stood shakily - a last stand against the brutal elements, filling Ghita with a sudden pang of remorse for abandoning her family for the day.

Quickly hoping that Ehno and Savina would forgive her since she came back so quickly, she dove forward into the desolate structures, optics wide at the ruins pressing around her. Back in Italy, their homeland could be classified as sophisticated, almost like this city, but more vibrant - inhabited by wolves all around. Even then, she hated sleeping indoors, and no matter how much she tried, could not shake the habit. So it was doubly odd for her to linger in a city for this long, and was about to turn tail, return to the bare outskirts where she'd hunt, perhaps, for a distraction while waiting for the cloak of darkness to descend.

But another Luperci's scent hit her nostrils, swirling around and smelling almost rank compared to her familiar fellows, causing her eyes to narrow in confusion. Of course she was aware of other packs around, but hadn't come into contact with them in a long time, if ever. Not one to back down from a 'challenge', the femme set off in the direction of the scent, keeping her pace at a light trot, so she wouldn't seem too eager to find the wolf at the end.

Almost everything about her looked average, at least. Her coloring was natural, a dusty brown main and bottom coat isolating the cold from her skinny frame. Those hairs however looked as if they had been dipped in melted silver, for the tips were of the same color as angry clouds, brewing almost as threateningly. Ivory coated her chest, most of her muzzle and her cheeks, giving way to her brilliant turquoise optics. Keeping her cranium level, but not to the point of arrogance, the Italian fae weaved in between structures, growing more curious with every pawstep.

The wind rustled through her fur gently, almost like a caress, as she trotted, soft and gentle almost all over her body. There were only a few places that it skipped over awkwardly, and the constant reminder kept her alert - and proud. At five points on her cranium were holes, miniscule but punctures all the same, that contained five bits of metal. Three resided in her left ear, a trio of small hoops that slapped against the sensitive skin with every step she took. But two more hid in her lower lip, snake bites, finalizing her 'street-tough' look that she could harness if she wanted to.

Lost in thought, she almost passed by the garage that Anslem perched on - it was only a stroke of luck that she had turned her eyes to the sky to catch sight of him. The golden-hued male startled her slightly, but she kept her composure stubbornly, taking in every detail of him, down to the crimson shine in his eyes. Finally sitting down, her mane weighed on her back and shoulders, tumbling over her shoulders before she raised her voice in a greeting. "That's unusual place to rest." Her tone was perfect for what she was trying to say, but her English was imperfect from being raised in Italy. Although the flow was coming into her voice in both English and Italian, Italian would always be her home language. Screwing up her eyes against the sun, she titled her head, ears at a perfect 90 degree angle to her scalp.

She held no intent to seem threatening to the male; It'd be hard to say who'd win in the fight if it did ensue, but Ghita held no desire to find this out. However, she also wasn't about to grovel in front of him either. She had pride to maintain, if not for Crimson Dreams or her family, her own pride. Her gaze was slightly scrutinizing, but in a teasing way at the same time, almost laughing at the fact that he had perched on the garage. One eyebrow-tuft had even risen to the occasion, perking itself closer to him than it's partner, a ghost of a smile lingering on her ivories.


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